My name is Julia Dobrowolski. I’m the president and founder of OnlyGoldenOne, fine artisanal jewelry.

I didn’t find jewelry, it definitely found me first. It actually found me pretty early on, in the womb to be exact, at the flagship building on 5th Ave of one of the most famous jewelry companies in the world at that.

I grew up with fine jewelry. I had beautiful, quality pieces while my friends dragged their parents to Claire’s for plastic and rhinestones. It was so normal and everyday to me that I didn’t truly understand or appreciate it. I used to get in absurd arguments with Mom over the holiday season when students brought gifts for their teachers. Everybody had these colorfully wrapped presents with sparkly bows, containing adorable stuffed animals or silly teacher gag gifts. Meanwhile, I had this plain boring little solid colored box with a simple ribbon. I felt so bad for my teachers because my gift didn’t look fun and I was convinced that their excitement for my gift was out of pity. Little did I know, that little box brings quite the thrill to women’s hearts.

As I grew older, I started to see the value of quality made jewelry. Yes I’ve had my fair share of inexpensive metal with crystals and feathers glued to it that is fun to wear as costume, but do you think I still have those today? And yet, the small hand-strung pearl and quartz bracelet I received at age 7, that I can barely fit around my fingers today, is still tucked away in my jewelry box, until the day I can give it to my own daughter.

Jewelry is so personal. And if you’re going to spend your hard earned money on something that you don’t necessarily need (who am I kidding!), it better be pretty special and last you a long time.

I haven’t been around long enough to say that I have decade’s worth of experience in the jewelry industry. But thanks to my upbringing, and the people that I’ve met along the way, I think I’ve been exposed to a lot. I’ve seen and heard about things in the jewelry industry that takes the sparkle and glamour right out of it. Jewelry is supposed to be fun! It should make you feel good about yourself, not making you question ethics. When you wear it and show it off, it should make everyone smile.

And the stars all aligned and OnlyGoldenOne was born!